
Tower Hamlets

News and information to support work with families:  Thursday update for professionals 3rd February 2022


Get Ready 2022 Applying To Nursery:                                                                                                               Please share with families

Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service, Supporting Parents and Carers with the Nursery Application Process

  • Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service provides information, advice and support around transitions
  • We recognise that this is a worrying and uncertain time for families and strive to continue to support in any way we can


Get Ready 2022: Applying To Nursery:    

  • Please note closing date for primary applications is Wednesday 16th February 2022
  • Contact: transitions@towerhamlets.gov.uk, 0207 364 1533. Follow us on Twitter: @TransitionsTH


Somali Parents and Carers Network: ‘Bullying – Information and Advice for Parents and Carers’                                                                                               

 Please share with parents

The Parental Engagement Team invites Somali parents and carers in Tower Hamlets to an online meeting on Bullying- Information and Advice for Parents and Carers

  • Tuesday 8th February  2022, 11am - 1pm
  • Join this informative session aimed to support parents and carers to resolve bullying issues and identify signs of bullying
  •  Session is with the Transition Support Team
  • For further information or to book a place, email parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk or call 020 7364 6398
  • The session will be delivered in English and Somali



Platform To Talk: ‘How Gender Roles and Stereotypes affect Young People’:                                         Please share the attached flyer with families

  • These discussion based virtual sessions provide a safe space for parents to come together, share their experiences and get reliable information.
  • Platform to Talk- How gender roles and stereotypes affect young people 
  • Join our discussion and gain an insight into the pressures children face and how you can keep them safe by building resilience and confidence. 
  • Friday 11th Feb, 10am- 11am, Delivered online through Zoom click here to join or use Meeting ID: 872 3612 0037 and Passcode: r79UN6


Tower Hamlets Holiday Childcare Scheme:                                                                                                       Please share the attached information with other professionals working with families and families

  • The Tower Hamlets Holiday Childcare Scheme is open for bookings for the February 2022 Scheme
  • We will be having a slightly reduced capacity for this scheme as we continue to follow government guidance
  • Scheme dates: Monday 14th February – Friday 18th February 2022 (5 days, based on the Tower Hamlets school holidays)
  • Venue: St Mary & St Michael Primary School, Sutton Street, E1 0BD
  • Please support and share this information with families you feel may benefit from our scheme. To refer a child please complete our referral form and support the family to book following the steps on our booking system
  • More information can be found on our website www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/hcs
  • 8th February is the closing date for bookings


‘All Fun and Games? Your Guide To Gaming’ by Parents Zone:                                                                      Please share the attached poster with Families

  • Free Safer Internet Day Special Event             
  • Expert trainer, Sophie Linington, will explore some of the most frequent questions parents have about gaming
  • Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube (search ‘parent Zone’)
  • Contact: members@parentzone.org.uk


International Women & Girls Week: Free Cycling Sessions:                                                                          Please share with families

  • The Sports & Physical Activity Team will be kicking off this year’s International Women & Girls Week with 2 FREE Cycling sessions for 11-18yrs old young women and girls
  • Sunday 6 March 2022 at Urban Adventure Base, 150 Burdett Road, London E3 4JT
  • For more information and to register please sign up here 
  • Sign up to the LBTH Sport and Physical Activity newsletter here


Haawa Domestic Abuse Project:                                                                                  

Please share attached flyer with families

  • Supporting and empowering Somali women and children to live free from domestic abuse
  • Mayfield House, Monday 24th February, 1-2.30
  • Join for a coffee, and well-being morning and an open discussion covering self-case, domestic abuse, money and debt
  • Please see the attached flyer for contact details


Bangladeshi Mental Health Forum – ‘Supporting Young People’s and Childrens’ Mental Wellbeing’ Workshop:                                                       

Please share the attached flyer with families

  • 7th -13th February is Children's Mental Health Week
  • The BMHF have organised a online workshop on 'Supporting Young Peoples and Children Mental Wellbeing'
  • This will be in Bengali by Bangladeshi mental health professionals and held on Zoom
  • Thursday 10th February 2022, 12.00- 1.30pm
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 991 9616 4458, Passcode: 526725 or click here


Empower You Too Project:                                                                                                         

Please share the attached flyer with families

  • Empower You Too is a project helping people to be more energy efficient and save on energy costs in their home
  • We train Energy Champions in Tower Hamlets, Newham, Hackney and the City to volunteer in their community and spread the knowledge they have learned about energy efficiency
  • Empower You Too regularly runs free energy workshops and 1-2-1 sessions with people in the community – tailored to your individual needs, including on:  How to prevent damp & condensation,  how to reduce energy usage, how to switch tariff/provider, understanding how heating controls work and much more!
  • If you are interested in finding out more or would like some free advice, please contact Ruby Farrell: ruby.farrell@ageukeastlondon.org.uk or: 07514 670 270


Parent & Family Support Service ~   3th February 2022


‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019


To find out more about the work of the Parent and Family Support Service visit: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentfamilysupport

Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/localoffer



News and information to support work with families:  Thursday update for professionals 10th February 2022

Parents and school staff have requested ideas for non- online activities, our Family Fun sheet 29 is attached - please add to your newsletter and website

We welcome feedback on the content of our Family Fun Sheets- please contact parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk  with any comments or ideas


Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service, Supporting Parents and Carers with the Nursery Application Process:                                                                                                   Please share with families


  • Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service provides information, advice and support around transitions
  • We recognise that this is a worrying and uncertain time for families and strive to continue to support in any way we can


Get Ready 2022: Applying To Nursery:    

  • Please note closing date for primary applications is Wednesday 16th February 2022
  • Contact: transitions@towerhamlets.gov.uk, 0207 364 1533. Follow us on Twitter: @TransitionsTH



Platform To Talk: ‘How Gender Roles and Stereotypes affect Young People’:                                        Please share the attached flyer with families


  • These discussion based virtual sessions provide a safe space for parents to come together, share their experiences and get reliable information.
  • Platform to Talk- How gender roles and stereotypes affect young people 
  • Join our discussion and gain an insight into the pressures children face and how you can keep them safe by building resilience and confidence. 
  • Friday 11th Feb, 10am- 11am, Delivered online through Zoom click here to join or use Meeting ID: 872 3612 0037 and Passcode: r79UN6



Parenting Programmes and Support Professionals’ Briefing:                                 Please share the attached flyer with professionals


  • Professionals who support or work with parents and carers are invited to join our free online information sessions to find out about parenting programmes, advice and support available from the Tower Hamlets Parenting Team
  • The briefing will include tips for engaging parents, encouraging regular attendance   getting the most out of a parenting programme and opportunities for you to join discussions and network with other professionals working with parents and families
  • Social workers, School staff, Health practitioners, children and family workers considering parenting programmes and support options for parents and carers would benefit from attending
  • Tuesday 22nd February 2022, 11:30am-12:30pm on Microsoft Teams
  • Please send an email request to: parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk if you would like to join




February Half Term on The Local Offer Website:                                  Please share with families




Bangladeshi Mental Health Forum Signposting Document:                                           Please share with families and professionals (language options attached)


  • Please see and share the attached document by the BHMFS, Ocean Regeneration Trust, Tower Hamlets Council and Mind Matters about a mental wellbeing signposting and information service



Adults Walking BasketBall:                                                              Please share attached flyer with parents


  • Free sessions for adults
  • Mondays at 11.30-12.30am in February and March (see flyer for session dates)
  • Whitechapel Leisure Centre
  • Contact: Pauline.stewart@towerhamlets.gov.uk from the Sports and Physical Activity Team


Parent & Family Support Service ~   1oth Feb 2022

‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019


To find out more about the work of the Parent and Family Support Service visit: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentfamilysupport

Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/localoffer

Frances Cherry

Monitoring and Service Support Officer (Maternity Cover)

Children and Culture Directorate

London Borough of Tower Hamlets


London Borough Of Tower Hamlets

Parents Advice Centre

30 Greatorex Street


London E1 5NP 



Tel: 0207374 1952