What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
Safeguarding means:
- To protect children from being maltreated.
- To prevent a child facing impairment of their development or physical or mental
health. - To make sure that children are given care in their childhood that’s safe and effective.
- To take action to ensure children get the best possible outcomes and life chances.
Safeguarding children and child protection guidance and legislation applies to all children up to the age of 18. https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-protection-system
What is Child Protection?
Child Protection is part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. It refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.
The school pays full regard to DfE guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024‘. We ensure that all appropriate measures are applied in relation to everyone who works in the school who is likely to be perceived by the children as a safe and trustworthy adult including e.g. volunteers and staff employed by contractors. Safer recruitment practice includes scrutinising applicants, verifying identity and academic or vocational qualifications, obtaining professional and character references, checking previous employment history and ensuring that a candidate has the health and physical capacity for the job. It also includes undertaking interviews and, where appropriate, ISA and Disclosure Barring Service checks.